Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Entertainment Agencies in Seoul

It is every kpop fangirl's dream to visit the entertainment agencies of their idols... And it is also one of the reasons we are going there... Here are some information we gathered on these agencies. I've got them from the internet and so all the credits are to the owners. We will post the sources at the end. Enjoy! ^^

Monday, April 09, 2012

A Place to Stay

Since we plan of staying for almost 2 weeks in our SK trip, then we should find a good place to stay at. Somewhere it’s not that expensive and safe. Also since we will be staying long, we wish to find a place where we can possibly cook, wash our clothes and get free PC and internet access. The place must also be around Seoul so that it wouldn’t be that hard to go around the place.
We found 2 places that will surely fit our budget and provide us the necessary facilities we are just looking for.
This will feature 2 hostels where we plan of staying in our trip; that would be HOSTEL KOREA and INSIDE BACKPACKERS.